• Posted by Denise
There are numerous ways to create your own bunting. Either with cereal boxes, burlap or scrap fabric. For this DIY I'm upcycling burlap and vintage thrift store fabric.
There are numerous ways to create your own bunting. Either with cereal boxes, burlap or scrap fabric. For this DIY I'm upcycling burlap and vintage thrift store fabric.
First create your pattern. I use cereal box cardboard. Trace and measure the shape you want for your bunting then cut out.
Trace the pattern onto the burlap and vintage fabric with fabric chalk then cut out the shapes. Note: you'll want to wash and iron the burlap and fabric beforehand.
I cut out the thrift store fabric using the larger pattern and the burlap using the smaller pattern.
Next use the stencils and Sharpies to write out your word. Or maybe use objects or symbols for your bunting. You can even mix and match by adding heart designs in-between words.
Now add fabric glue along the top of the bunting in the back. Use the wooden pegs to hold the fabric to the length of jute while the glue dries. The length of jute will be as long as the bunting. Leave room for hanging your bunting.
Once dry you're ready to hang the bunting.
Feel free to experiment with the bunting. For example the amount of space in-between letters, using shapes and symbols or maybe stitching the triangles onto the jute and not using glue. The main is to have fun.