• Posted by Jet H.
i had got some time ago a carton house, it's a box you can get for free when you will move to an other house filled with some smart handy tools to use and with a lot of advertising folders. My sis and i loved the shape of the box, it looks of a house, and we thought it's a dollhouse for free to make of it. but i had stand it here in my kitschen for a half year and didn't do anything with it. but because i will move i thought okay or you make a cathouse because the cats of mine had destructed the old one and they till loved it to play in and outside in it or you will trow it away. so i made this one, and suddenly i thought why don't i make it more dutch and kitschy. so it became tulips and a wood stustructure on the outside.LOL and a little button of Kikker, i was a look a like of the labels you glue outside to show others that you have orderd or give some money for some goal. And i'm a big fan of Kikker, Kikker is a childbook it's a story of a frog with other animals that has some adventures .;-D And when you don't make the throughs and the tiles it cost you less hours, but be creative and have a lot of crafting fun, my cats love their new playhouse;-D the drawer was look a like of Kikker. so i loved it more and more.LOL i'm using some products with Kikker drawings on it and safed the boxes of his pictures;-D So the Kikker picture is a really dutch design as well.LOL uhmmm later on i thought i must be more kitschy so it became curtains as well. hope you like it, my cats love their new house.;-D the time is without drying time!!! and you can always use other plants and flowers;-D but some cat are eat and swew on plastic so make sure that they are cat safe;-D!!!! i had made it from scraps i had in my house so it didn't cost me anything only some creativity Update the measurings: 34 cm in the length from front till back. or 13.5" 36 cm high. till the top of the roof. or more then 14" 25 cm width. or 10"
i had got some time ago a carton house, it's a box you can get for free when you will move to an other house filled with some smart handy tools to use and with a lot of advertising folders. My sis and i loved the shape of the box, it looks of a house, and we thought it's a dollhouse for free to make of it. but i had stand it here in my kitschen for a half year and didn't do anything with it. but because i will move i thought okay or you make a cathouse because the cats of mine had destructed the old one and they till loved it to play in and outside in it or you will trow it away. so i made this one, and suddenly i thought why don't i make it more dutch and kitschy. so it became tulips and a wood stustructure on the outside.LOL and a little button of Kikker, i was a look a like of the labels you glue outside to show others that you have orderd or give some money for some goal. And i'm a big fan of Kikker, Kikker is a childbook it's a story of a frog with other animals that has some adventures .;-D And when you don't make the throughs and the tiles it cost you less hours, but be creative and have a lot of crafting fun, my cats love their new playhouse;-D the drawer was look a like of Kikker. so i loved it more and more.LOL i'm using some products with Kikker drawings on it and safed the boxes of his pictures;-D So the Kikker picture is a really dutch design as well.LOL uhmmm later on i thought i must be more kitschy so it became curtains as well. hope you like it, my cats love their new house.;-D the time is without drying time!!! and you can always use other plants and flowers;-D but some cat are eat and swew on plastic so make sure that they are cat safe;-D!!!! i had made it from scraps i had in my house so it didn't cost me anything only some creativity Update the measurings: 34 cm in the length from front till back. or 13.5" 36 cm high. till the top of the roof. or more then 14" 25 cm width. or 10"
i cleaned the inside first of the cardboard box. and glued all the lose end of it. so he became a strong shaped carboard box house again;-D I've you haven't such a box you can make the roof shape your self. I've you want some directions let me know i will give you suport;-D Just aske me;-D
on a piece of paper you design the windows or use mine;-D
make of scraps of carton the windows, i thought it would be more fun to lifted the windows more up, so i made only the outside line twice so you have a front window with the seperatly window shapes and the outside lines. Make both parts for all the windows you will have in the boxs. i had 4 of these window designed and a smaller one for the backside and a door for the frontside a door.
lay the only outline carton of the windows on flank of the box and decide what you like as a pretty design.
lay the only outline carton of the windows on flank of the box and decide what you like as a pretty design.
cut te windows shapes out of the box.
cut all t he other shapes ,( the door and the little window on the backside) too which you have designed too and have cut allready out of carton;-D
with tape and white glue or wooden glue glue the outside upleveling windows on the cut out shaped windows and use some tape for a little drie time and to to make the carton cutline some neat as well;-D
glue the real window fronts on them and tape them too.
glue the backside window on the house, follow the same steps.
glue the upleveling door shape on the front of the house.
glue the front door on the upleveling on the frontside.
glue the door hendle and the mail box on the door.
make some plant troughs for the outside in front of the windows.
glue the plant trough before the windows and with stips of old used paper glue with with glue or wood glue on the whole house a layer to make your house cat prove.LOL and add glue one or two layers on the outside to make the surface smooth and ready for painting.
how to make rooftiles gather all your toilet paper tubes together.
cut the tube in the middle so you become two parts.
cut those parts in the middle too, like the pict show you.
those little shapes you now have made must you make like the picture shows you on both sides tapered.
on the broad side of the tile you must cut the edges in a round shape . Now your have made your first tile. Yeaaaah.LOL
start with gluing the tiles on the roof beneath the front edge side of the roof like the pict showing you! so you glue the tile half above over the first glued one.
Glue all the tiles to the edge sides of the roof and do this too with the back side of the roof.
now you glue the tile on one of the sides of the roof.
glue all the tiles on the same way too on the other side of the roof and start with the pawl of the roof start on the front with your first tile like you did with the front edge sides of the roof, and go on to the last one at the end.
i did it wrong with the painting. i first painted the whole house without the roof, so i had a lot of painting to do when the roofpaint dripped on the allready coloured walls of the outside. don't do like me. be smart i suppose you are.LOL start with painting the roof, i used acrylic paint for doors and windows, to make the cathouse more resisted to wet .;-D you don't have to do that Let this dry maby you must add an other layer as well, and let this dry too. then you can make some outlines with a marker in a darker colour. paint the rest of the house withe or i've you like an other colour and give the windows a colour too. let it dry too.
i liked it to give the cathouse a wooden outside look like the houses in our Zaanse envirment has, so i picked up my marker and started to draw on the ouside of the walls and the door to drwaw lines and nails and srews on it.
when you have add some plant troughs like i did in front of the windows , we must started with the filling of them. cut of some scraps of polysterene packages plates the filling for your troughts and glued them in the inside .
i had those little fake plastic kitschy tulips , and because i must cleaning my materials up for my big move i thought i will be nice and fun to use them for the filling. i've you hae other flowers of plastic or must make them of paper of plastic you can do that, be creative.;-D Gather all the flowers you have together and devide them in 4 parts.
Glue the tulips in the plant troughts with a glue hot gun and look i've the troughts got some extra colours paint and add i've you like that to them. let it dry.
almost done, i thought hummm i prefer some lace curtains as well like dutch people uses often. you can do this too. cut from some scraps of lace or netting fabric , i had some fake plastic lace crochet fabric with i used. cut all the parts you need for your windows.
glue the lace or netting curtains in front of the windows in the inside , i used my glue hot gun for that. but be warned it's tricky and i'm sure you will burn your fingers i've you don't use the steel of a large brush.
glue the lace or netting curtains in front of the windows in the inside , i used my glue hot gun for that. but be warned it's tricky and i'm sure you will burn your fingers i've you don't use the steel of a large brush.
and i added a little picture of a dutch designer of a children book i very admire like they are the signs for people that come with some special goals for gifts ad the door and when you glue the little sticker in front of the doorpilar they know that an other person was here before. and i made a cushion for them too. they like their new play house a lot. hope you like it too. much fun with making one for your sweetie;-D