• Posted by Timbe
Ok well i hve to addmit i did this out of boredom. But i think they are pretty cute, and are fun to type.
Ok well i hve to addmit i did this out of boredom. But i think they are pretty cute, and are fun to type.
Kittys- .A_A (o.o)= Suprised Kitty .A__A (^.^)=Happy kitty .A_A (| . |)=Kitty .A_A (--.--)=Sleeping kitty .A_A (x.x)=Dead kitty .A_A (<.<)= suspicous Kitty
Bunnys- ()_() (^*^)=Happy bunny ()_() (x*x)=Dead bunny ()_() (O*o)=Crazy bunny ()_() (|*|)=Bunny ()_() (9*9)=Bunny looking up ()_() (^*~)= Winking Bunny
Bears- @(^#^)@=Koala O__O (/ . \)=Panda Q__Q (o*o)= Teddy bear