Cut Out + Keep

Tyedyed Stripes

nautical nelly • Posted by michelle G.

same steps as the beach stripes

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


6 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium screen shot 2011 04 16 at 10.28.03 am 1302960793 Medium screen shot 2011 04 16 at 10.27.51 am 1302960810 Medium screen shot 2011 04 16 at 10.27.59 am 1302960826


same steps as the beach stripes


  1. Small img 0022 1302959690

    and the dye powder into the bucket, ad water mix

  2. Small img 0024 1302959747

    fold shirt, then roll it dip into water

  3. Small img 0026 1302959781

    then dip one side into the dye then the other side

  4. Small img 0027 1302959853

    shake out

  5. Small img 0028 1302959892

    then let air dry