Make them to share them.
These are so simple and look great. Add beads to get your own desired look or make it longer to create a necklace.
!!! Please read all the way through before trying this out (for there are extra instructions for beading). If you have any questions, please ask!!! =)
Zhi Yee T. favorited Twisted Bracelets 18 Nov 03:39
Zhi Yee T. added Twisted Bracelets to Bracelets 18 Nov 03:38
michaela.vincent2 favorited Twisted Bracelets 14 Aug 05:01
Jodie K. added Twisted Bracelets to rings 23 Jun 21:47
Step 2
Now cut a strand that is about three times as long as the other strands. (You will use this strand to wrap around the others.)
Note: the thicker your bracelet (aka- the more strands in your inside bracelet), the longer this string needs to be.