Cut Out + Keep

Twirling Betty's Fabric Clips

Use your favourite fabrics to make these sweet clips. • Posted by Christen D.

These little clips kicked off the whole shebang for me. Back when I came up with these in 2007, twirling betty didn’t even exist. All that existed was my daughter’s crazy baby hair: a mohawk at the top and mullet at the back. I christened it (the hair, not the child) a momullet. Sick to death of twee clips for little girls in predictable pinks, I decided to have a go at making my own. And these clips were born.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


0 h 20


Medium twirling betty navy polka dot clips Medium noo with pink bubble clip Medium bamboo clips


These little clips kicked off the whole shebang for me. Back when I came up with these in 2007, twirling betty didn’t even exist. All that existed was my daughter’s crazy baby hair: a mohawk at the top and mullet at the back. I christened it (the hair, not the child) a momullet. Sick to death of twee clips for little girls in predictable pinks, I decided to have a go at making my own. And these clips were born.


  1. Small fabric clip tutorial materials 2

    Gather your supplies. Ah tacky craft glue - let me count the ways I love thee.

  2. Small fabric strips for clips

    Cut fabric strips 10cm x 2.5cm (1" x 4").

  3. Small line of glue on fabric strip

    Place a line of glue just below the half way point of the width of your fabric.

  4. Small half glued strip of fabric

    Fold one edge of your fabric into the centre and smooth lightly with your finger to flatten fold.

  5. Small glued strip of fabric

    Fold other edge in, smooth down and then place small dollops of glue at each end of the strip.

  6. Small fold over edges

    Fold both short edges in.

  7. Small fabric strips for clips drying

    Use clips to secure fabric while it dries. Allow about an hour at the very least.

  8. Small pop glue on clip ends

    I am holding the clip upside down in this shot because it is easier to glue that way. SO, you put two small dollops of glue on the underside of the TOP prongs of the clip.

  9. Small fabric clip fist glue ing

    Glue the end of the wrong side (ie the side you don't want to be seen)of your fabric strip to the dollops. In this photo the clip is now up the right way ie, you're looking at the top of it, and the fabric is trapped between the two prongs.

  10. Small glueing

    Generously smother the back of the clip with glue.

  11. Small glueing fabric

    Fold the fabric strip over the end of the top prong and smooth down over the glue, centre-ing it as you go.

  12. Small glue on back of clip

    Generously cover back of clip with glue but only down so far as the fabric will reach once it's pulled over.

  13. Small clip with fabric glued on

    Glue last bit of fabric to back of clip and pull firmly to reduce bulging when the clip is pinched together after it's dry.

  14. Small clips drying and secured with other clips

    Use other clips to secure fabric firmly while glue is drying.

  15. Small finished clips

    Admire your pretty clips all in a row.

  16. Small noo with pink bubble clip

    Pop one on your kid and smile smugly at how clever you are. Maybe fist pump the air a bit if you feel it's warranted. Don't scare your child though.