Tv Signal Sign (?) In Hama Beads

A necklace I made for one of my friends for christmas

Posted by my-best-friend-is-a-spaceship


I really do not know what it is called.. And I am not sure if it still is on television in the morning/night, when there is nothing else to show us.. But when I was little, this was my morning-television! Anyways, I made this for one of my very good friends, Kattie ( - and she still hasn't got it yet.. But I KNOW she is going to love it :) I do. I was wearing it at P3 Guld 2011.. I think I'll make one for myself one day, because it just is so amazing.. :)

I found the pattern on the internet - and of course I forgot where. So if you have the rights for this pattern, please contact me, se we can work it out ;)


You Will Need (2 things)

  • Necklace Chain
  • Hama Beads (Mini)