cute short tutu for a little girl or baby
Posted by fefe f.
this was my first time maken a tutu while my first time makein anything lol but i was doing it because my little girl was turnin 2 n didt like the 1s they had n the store so i made her 1 n it came out really good got lots of feedback on it on my fb page
You Will Need (2 things)
- 1 yd hot pink in gray Tulle
- 1 yd hot pink Ribbon
Steps (7 steps, 173 minutes)
i use a ribbon for this because its ease for me to deal with for a baby n it dont hurt her as while she was helpin me lol
just keep doing this to its full its already cute n your done but i need more to this tutu lol
so i got this its some kind of ribbon i seen in the store Hobby Lobby in the fabric part it was cute so i got it i just use neddle in thread my first time doing that to
then your done do what wont to do wit it now
you can add a bow to it or not back or front
you can tie the ribbon you use in the back or front to make a bow if u dont have a bow cute
she love her new tutu she didt wont to take it off lol