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Turkey with "mlinci"

My son's favorite dish, traditional, yet exquisite. • Posted by Nela T.

The best way to really get to know ‘mlinci” is to taste it. If Serbia is too far, please yourself and get into adventure which you won’t regret. Delicious, juicy and unusual dish, that’s what you’ll got.. Prijatno!

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1 h 50


Medium 111230 2f2015 09 25 111554 naslovna


The best way to really get to know ‘mlinci” is to taste it. If Serbia is too far, please yourself and get into adventure which you won’t regret. Delicious, juicy and unusual dish, that’s what you’ll got.. Prijatno!


  1. Small 111230 2f2015 09 24 115124 ingredients

    “Mlinci” is a kind of pasta made out of flour, water and egg.

  2. Small 111230 2f2015 09 24 115215 testo

    To prepare homemade “mlinci” mix 250 gr of flour, 1 egg and lukewarm water to make dough. If it is sticky, add more flour. The dough should be stretchy.

  3. Small 111230 2f2015 09 24 115241 istanjiti

    Divide the dough into two or more smaller balls and use the rolling pin to stretch it. Should be very very thin, less than 2 mm. Dust with flour all the time and it won't stick to the surface.

  4. Small 111230 2f2015 09 24 115328 peceni%2bmlinci

    Cut it into stripes measuring 10×20 cm, and dry it in oven on 220C for 5 to 8 minutes. When "mlinci" are light yellow on both sides they are done.

  5. Small 111230 2f2015 09 25 100604 peceni%2bpikle

    "Mlinci" are usually combined with chicken or turkey. Cut the meat into small pieces, sprinkle with some salt and pepper and fry it.

  6. Small 111230 2f2015 09 25 100408 lomljeni%2bmlinci

    While frying the meat crush “mlinci” into smaller pieces and pour over some hot soup (made out of bouillon cube). Leave them for couple of minutes to soften.

  7. Small 111230 2f2015 09 25 101159 krem

    Strain “mlinci” and mix them with meat and sour cream. Don’t waste the soup, add cup or two in the mixture of meat and cream.

  8. Small 111230 2f2015 09 25 111136 gotovo1

    Put everything in baking dish; grate some cheese and bake it for 45 min – 1 hour (180C) until golden brown.

  9. Small 111230 2f2015 09 25 113029 kosta

    As I said "mlinci" are usually combined with chicken or turkey, but I would recommend to try them with pancetta, mushrooms or cheese as well. Enjoy!