Cut Out + Keep

Turban Style Beanie

Beanies & Bobble Hats • Posted by Ryland Peters & Small

If you’re looking for a touch of 1940s glamour, this turban-style beanie—which is so much easier to knit than you’d think at first glance—is the answer to your wishes. If you’ve never worked in reverse stockinette (stocking) stitch before, don’t panic; it’s only what’s usually called the “wrong side” of stockinette (stocking) stitch. I knitted this turban in a delicate eaude-nil shade, which I felt reflected the vintage look nicely, but it would also work beautifully in super-bright shades. And for a bit of added chic, pin a vintage gem to the band. Yarn Rowan Pure Wool Worsted (100% wool) worsted (Aran) yarn 1 x 3½ oz (100g) ball (219yd/200m) in shade 137 Oxygen Needles and equipment US 7 (4.5mm) knitting needles Yarn sewing needle Gauge (tension) 20 sts and 25 rows in stockinette (stocking) stitch to a 4-in (10-cm) square on US 7 (4.5mm) needles. Measurements The finished hat measures approx. 20in (50cm) circumference and 7½ in (19cm) high.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


3 h 00


Medium 107430 2f2015 02 11 205504 p60 Medium 107430 2f2015 02 11 205635 p61


If you’re looking for a touch of 1940s glamour, this turban-style beanie—which is so much easier to knit than you’d think at first glance—is the answer to your wishes. If you’ve never worked in reverse stockinette (stocking) stitch before, don’t panic; it’s only what’s usually called the “wrong side” of stockinette (stocking) stitch. I knitted this turban in a delicate eaude-nil shade, which I felt reflected the vintage look nicely, but it would also work beautifully in super-bright shades. And for a bit of added chic, pin a vintage gem to the band. Yarn Rowan Pure Wool Worsted (100% wool) worsted (Aran) yarn 1 x 3½ oz (100g) ball (219yd/200m) in shade 137 Oxygen Needles and equipment US 7 (4.5mm) knitting needles Yarn sewing needle Gauge (tension) 20 sts and 25 rows in stockinette (stocking) stitch to a 4-in (10-cm) square on US 7 (4.5mm) needles. Measurements The finished hat measures approx. 20in (50cm) circumference and 7½ in (19cm) high.


  1. For the turban Cast on 102 sts. Beg with a p row (RS), work 7 rows in rev st st. Beg with a p row, work 3 rows in st st. Beg with a p row, work 5 rows in rev st st. Rep the last 8 rows, 3 times more. Beg with a p row, work 11 rows in st st. Row 51: K7, [sk2po, k14] 5 times, sk2po, k7. (90 sts) Row 52: Purl. Row 53: K6, [sk2po, k12] 5 times, sk2po, k6. (78 sts) Row 54: Purl. Row 55: K5, [sk2po, k10] 5 times, sk2po, k5. (66 sts) Row 56: Purl. Row 57: K4, [sk2po, k8] 5 times, sk2po, k4. (54 sts) Row 58: Purl. Row 59: K3, [sk2po, k6] 5 times, sk2po, k3. (42 sts) Row 60: Purl. Row 61: K2, [sk2po, k4] 5 times, sk2po, k2. (30 sts) Row 62: Purl. Row 63: K1, [sk2po, k2] 5 times, sk2po, k1. (18 sts) Row 64: [P2tog] to end. (9 sts) Break yarn, thread it through rem sts, and pull up securely.

  2. For the turban band Cast on 9 sts. Beg with a k row, work 20 rows in st st. Bind (cast) off.

  3. To make up Sew the back seam using mattress stitch. With the RS facing out, oversew the top short end of the turban band to the center of the hat, just after the last row of reverse stockinette (stocking) stitch. Oversew the other end to the underside of the hat, in the same place. Weave in all loose ends.