Cut Out + Keep

Tube Beads Crochet Necklace

if i can.. u can. • Posted by *-* pills

After I saw a group of blind who can crochet a lot of stuff in telly..I who cannot crochet try to made my own thing and never think that "I cann't" after I try..anymore.. (Washable wash - as same as...u wash your lingerie :P dry - like u dry your sweater ;P) p.s. one good reaason for watching t.v. hehee

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


5 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dsc00852 1246646369 Medium dsc01168 1246646460 Medium dsc02222 1246646913


After I saw a group of blind who can crochet a lot of stuff in telly..I who cannot crochet try to made my own thing and never think that "I cann't" after I try..anymore.. (Washable wash - as same as...u wash your lingerie :P dry - like u dry your sweater ;P) p.s. one good reaason for watching t.v. hehee
