Cut Out + Keep

Tshirt To Ninja Mask In Under 5 Minutes.

i saw this on MichellePhans youtube channel, thought i would share • Posted by

michellephan ninja mask

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 03


Pretty Easy
Medium summer2010 008 1281393705


michellephan ninja mask


  1. Small summer2010 005 1281393734

    start with a black tshirt.

  2. Small summer2010 006 1281393765

    then turn the tshirt inside out.

  3. Small summer2010 007 1281393776

    put the tshirt on yourt head, dont pull it over your neck. place it so only your eyes will show.

  4. Small summer2010 008 1281393799

    then tie the sleeves back behind your head, and fix the shirt so only your eyes show. and tah! dah! a quick ninja mask.. again, found on michellephan youtube page, not my idea.