Triptych Wall Art

Decorate your home with awesome paintings created by you!

Posted by brooke


Please ask in the comments if I missed any vital information. Muchly Appreciated!!! :D :D :D


You Will Need (8 things)

  • Pencil(s)
  • Paint Brush
  • Pallet
  • Acrylic Paint
  • 3 Square Canvas
  • 3 Canvas Wall Hangers
  • Jar With Water
  • Lead Pencil

Steps (4 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    Preparation and inspiration

    Experiencing other cultures when you travel can inspire you to create amazing art. Trinkets, symbols and images collected along the way can give you a starting point for your design. I’ve chosen an Asian inspired theme and are using Chinese characters, ‘You and Me’ to create my masterpiece.

  2. 2

    Create your design

    Experiment with your chosen image using scale and cropping. I photocopied and enlarged our Chinese characters, and then cropped them to add impact. The characters then become an abstract part of our creation. Sketch your design on paper and fill-in in the colours using Pencils. Lightly trace the outline of your design onto your canvas using a soft pencil

  3. 3


    Paint in layers. Start with the colours that form your background. Use firm strokes to spread the paint around evenly to achieve a crisp, smooth finish. Make sure your background is dry before you paint in the rest of your design so that the colours don’t run into each other.

  4. 4

    Your finished masterpiece

    Remember to paint along the sides of your canvas for a professional finish. Once it’s completely dry (around 2 hours) hang your painting. Simply use Canvas Hangers to display your artwork and your masterpiece will be the centerpiece of your next dinner party!