• Posted by Hey Mishka
Denim shorts are my favorite thing to wear in the summer (and as far into fall as I can get away with). Adding a little vintage trim to the pockets can really kick them up a notch... and, it's easy! See more DIY and style tips at! xo
Denim shorts are my favorite thing to wear in the summer (and as far into fall as I can get away with). Adding a little vintage trim to the pockets can really kick them up a notch... and, it's easy! See more DIY and style tips at! xo
Find a pair of denim shorts you love.
Lay them flat on their front so you can see the back pockets.
Choose a beautiful trim to apply to the back pockets.
I chose this vintage boho-tastic cotton woven trim, which goes through the wash pretty well.
Cut to the size of the back pocket opening. You can fold the edges under if you want a cleaner, finished look, but for these destroyed denim shorts I liked the look of the raw edge.
Pin down in place.
Carefully hand sew the trim to the pocket, carefully... without sewing the pocket closed!
When you're finished with one pocket, repeat on the other side.