• Posted by Super Madcow
Nice, quick and easy desert. Can be made within 10 minutes, not counting setting time for the jelly. It is tasty and reminds you of a kids party. Some people add cream to the top before the sprinkles. I don't really think this is needed but it is all personal taste.
Nice, quick and easy desert. Can be made within 10 minutes, not counting setting time for the jelly. It is tasty and reminds you of a kids party. Some people add cream to the top before the sprinkles. I don't really think this is needed but it is all personal taste.
Make up the jelly as per the package instructions. Place the sponge fingers into the base of the dish. Pour the jelly over the fingers and let soak in. Put into the fridge to set.
Make up the custard as per the instructions. Allow to cool. Once the jelly is set, pour the custard over the set jelly. Smooth a little. Pour the sprinkles over the top and its ready to eat.