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Triangular Apronlike Bag

Mmh, triangutastic • Posted by Käpt´n Toasterkopf

I made this for a medieval/gothic festival because, for me, normal bags are just a pain in the a** when you´re stuck in a cuddly pogopit. (Oh, and it is 100% scrap fabric: an old sheet I dyed black, grey corduroy pants and a busted pajama for the lining)

You will need

Project Budget


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium dscn1284 1262213768 Medium dscn1282 1262214950 Medium dscn1281 1262214830


I made this for a medieval/gothic festival because, for me, normal bags are just a pain in the a** when you´re stuck in a cuddly pogopit. (Oh, and it is 100% scrap fabric: an old sheet I dyed black, grey corduroy pants and a busted pajama for the lining)
