• Posted by bunnytan
Another DIY from an inspiration online - this time it's a necklace with a really cool pattern. I wanted to make something that looked like it so I did.
Another DIY from an inspiration online - this time it's a necklace with a really cool pattern. I wanted to make something that looked like it so I did.
Start of with your chips and the pattern, trace and cut four pieces of each shape (because we are doing two pieces with two sides each). I like cutting the outer layer first, working inwards until I reach the final layer.
Cut all on the outside line, except for the topmost (smallest) piece. Stack them together and glue in place.
Stick the eye pin down the center, with the loop jutting out of the base shape as shown in the photo - use stronger glue like E6000 or hot glue. Make sure the loop juts out from the correct end! :) Wait for it to dry.
Stick the pieces together. TIP: Sandwich both sides with wax paper and hold it with hairpins until dry. This will ensure your earrings don't have hairpin marks and the sides will stick as flat to each other as possible. Attach your earring hooks. Line the sides with a permanent marker, just to give it a more finished look. Coat with your glaze of choice - may it be nail polish, paper glaze or polycrilic. And you are done!