Cut Out + Keep

Tree On My Wall

tree on my wall • Posted by ilarin

well i used to stare at my wall in the living, and it appeared so dead, just then this tree idea stroke my mind, and i thought of painting a tree on the wall. this was a great experience, and thanx to my sister who helped me completing it in 2 days. now that whenever i am sitting in this room i feel like sitting under a tree. :D it feels great. try it !!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


24 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 101475 2f2014 05 02 182028 1422582 10201405078983961 1675431121 n Medium 101475 2f2014 05 02 182035 1452462 10201405078063938 651504095 n


well i used to stare at my wall in the living, and it appeared so dead, just then this tree idea stroke my mind, and i thought of painting a tree on the wall. this was a great experience, and thanx to my sister who helped me completing it in 2 days. now that whenever i am sitting in this room i feel like sitting under a tree. :D it feels great. try it !!
