Cut Out + Keep

Travel Pass

House that train ticket in style! • Posted by Libby W.

I recently started taking the train to work. When you buy a season rail pass in the UK you get these dorky network rail plastic wallets to keep them in. Blurgh! I decided to up grade and make my own stylish train pass wallet.

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Project Budget


1 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium 052 Medium 051 Medium 054 edit Medium 044


I recently started taking the train to work. When you buy a season rail pass in the UK you get these dorky network rail plastic wallets to keep them in. Blurgh! I decided to up grade and make my own stylish train pass wallet.


  1. Small 026

    Take your current train pass and draw round it onto the back of the fabric. If you don't have a pass to use as a template, just measure out on the fabric the size you want it to be.

  2. Small 029

    Add your seam allowance (I used 1cm).

  3. Small 030

    Cut out your fabric and use it to draw round. Cut out, so you have 2 pieces of fabric the same size.

  4. Small 033

    Iron the interfacing onto the back of your fabric pieces.

  5. Small 034

    Cut out your pieces, from the interfacing.

  6. Small 035

    If want to add decoration to the outside of your pass, sew/glue it on now.

  7. Small 031

    Cut out the plastic windows from your old wallet or if you are just using regular clear plastic, cut to size.

  8. Small 036

    Sew your windows to the inside piece of fabric. Make sure you leave the top part open so you can slide your cards in.

  9. Put your 2 pieces inside sides together. Stitch around the outside edge, leaving a gap for turning (you might want to leave quite a large gap, so you don't have to bend and dent your plastic too much). Trim off any excess fabric.

  10. Turn your pass the right way out. Hidden stitch your gap closed.

  11. Small 037

    Top stitch round the edge of your pass to give it a move finished look. Fold your pass over and iron on the outside to crease it and keep it in place. DON'T do a me and try and iron the inside too, you'll melt your plastic windows and spoil your hard work.

  12. Small 038 edit

    Sit back and admire your handiwork. Safe in the knowledge that you'll have the most stylish train pass around!