Cut Out + Keep

Trashion Reconned T Shirt

Laceup Trashion!! • Posted by Courtney Couture

I had an old tshirt. And a new rotary cutter. And unused shoelaces. Did you think I was just gonna let those things sit there? :P (apologies for the terrible Paint illustrations)

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0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium img000052 1250488795 Medium img000053 1250488804


I had an old tshirt. And a new rotary cutter. And unused shoelaces. Did you think I was just gonna let those things sit there? :P (apologies for the terrible Paint illustrations)


  1. Small stepone 1250489095

    First, take your T-Shirt and cut off the sleeves.

  2. Small steptwo 1250489087

    Now cut up the middle through only one layer of fabric.

  3. Put it on and see how you like it. I guess this step doesn't really matter, but I like to see how it fits. You can stop here if you want to.

  4. Small stepthree 1250489079

    So now comes the fun part!! Lay down your t-shirt, line everything up. Take out your ruler and mark out evenly spaced dots every inch to 2 inches. I did 2 inches.

  5. Do this for the other side of the t-shirt, too.

  6. Now cut slits in every little dot you marked.

  7. Put it on and lace the shoelace through it.

  8. Bam! New trashion/recon shirt!!