Trash Can Turkey

honey boo boo has nothing on me

Posted by Amanda M.


how to cook a dinosaur sized bird in a trash can in only two hours!


You Will Need (5 things)

  • New Unused Clean Trash Can
  • 3 packets Charcoal
  • Wood Or Metal Stake
  • Tin Foil
  • 1 Turkey

Steps (7 steps, 120 minutes)

  1. 1

    wash your turkey! I used a 18 lb fresh (never frozen) bird I got from the butcher by my house.

  2. 2

    season your bird. here is my husband rubbing butter under the skin. I think it is too gross to do but he does it so whatever. salt and pepper it and shove a handful of whatever herbs you have around.

  3. 3

    now it starts getting fun. find a nice clean spot outside and spread out some foil on the ground. drive a stake into the ground about 2 feet sticking out. cover the stake in foil too.

  4. 4

    put that turkey on the stake and...

  5. 5

    place the (new, clean) trash can over the turkey and surround it with charcoal. put some charcoal on top too. light all that charcoal and wait about 2 hours. no peeking!

    -- my husband insists on lighting the charcoal in a pile and shoveling it on while it is on fire. I disagree and think that is ridiculous. we have done both ways and they both work --

  6. 6

    after you have used that two hours to play cards and cook the rest of your fancy dinner, shovel off the coals and get ready to stab the turkey with a thermometer. 170 is the goal.

  7. 7

    don't forget to do a photo op with a garbage can lid. let rest 10 minutes then carve away. you did it!