Cut Out + Keep

Tote From Scrapes

i needed a bigger bag for school to carry all my crap • Posted by Ramona Vicious Monroe

I used tshirt scrapes.see what good comes from saving your scrapes!!!

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0 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium hni 0079 1271019663


I used tshirt scrapes.see what good comes from saving your scrapes!!!


  1. Small hni 0074 1271019705

    Choose your fabric that you want your tote to be, fold however big you want and cut off excess

  2. Small hni 0075 1271019804

    Now pin it together!

  3. Small hni 0076 1271019858

    Choose your strap for the tote

  4. Small hni 0077 1271020043

    Now sew your strap on the inside of the tote A Million times so it doesn't rip.

  5. Small hni 0078 1271020160

    and now you are done and have one more bag to put your crap and and a few less scrapes in the trash!