Cut Out + Keep

Tote Bag

Sew a tote bag in a few nice and easy steps. • Posted by Cat Morley

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Project Budget


0 h 50


Nice & Simple
Medium totebag1 Medium totebag2



  1. Small 1901

    If there are any creases of wrinkles in your fabric it's a good idea to iron it out before you start. Draw out the outline of your tote bag on your fabric. This should be a rectangle around 15" by 10". Cut this out.

  2. Small 1902

    Fold over about an inch at each of the smaller ends of the rectangle and pin this down.

  3. Small 1903

    Sew along the edges using a sewing machine removing the pins as you go.

  4. Small 1904

    Lay the material on the floor and fold it in half. Pin along the long edges of the rectangle catching both sides.

  5. Small 1905

    Sew along these edges with a sewing machine.

  6. Small 1906

    Fold the bag inside out.

  7. Small 1907

    Draw out two more rectangles this time about 30" by 4". These will be the straps and cut them out.

  8. Small 1908

    Fold them in half and pin along the edges.

  9. Small 1909

    Sew along the straps and fold them inside out.

  10. Small 1910

    Pin the straps on to the bag. Sew them in place using a needle and thread and you're done. See <a href="/projects/fabric_printing/">Fabric Printing</a> for instructions on printing.