Torchwood Sweatshirt


Posted by Blaza1141


I have been looking for a Doctor Who/Torchwood-related sweatshirt for ages, but since they are all so incredibly expensive, I took matters into my own hands.
I bought a white sweatshirt at Wal*Mart for $1.00 and used some transfer paper I had lying around to make my very own Torchwood shirt.
I basically found the images I wanted, edited them a bit then printed them out according to the instructions on the transfer paper, ironed them on and voilà! A Torchwood sweatshirt for a dollar and twenty minutes of my time. Faster and cheaper than ordering one and waiting for it to be delivered, eh?


You Will Need (3 things)

  • 1 Sweatshirt
  • 1 Transfer Paper For Fabric
  • Ink Jet Printer