• Posted by Timbe
The tooth farie gives us money for our teeth. We should at least make her job a bit easier.
The tooth farie gives us money for our teeth. We should at least make her job a bit easier.
Cut out two pecies of felt in the shape of a Tooth, a little bigger than the size tooth you want. Draw eyes and a small box on one of the sides ( the small box is were you'll put the pocket for your tooth.
Cut out small square and sew on to the piece of felt with the eyes. Colour in eyes with fabric crayons or felt pens.
Place felt pieces face to face and sew around the edge of the shape. Leave a small hole.
Turn shell inside out. Stuff then sew up hole.
And now you have a cute little pillow to put your tooth in!!! You can add a bow or flower for a more personal touch.