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Tofu Bacon

Tofu Bacon • Posted by TheTofuDiaries

A versatile and tasty option, these strips of tofu are marinated in a sticky sauce that is both smoky and slightly sweet. Perfect for a veggie brunch, a breakfast sandwich, or as a creative topping on almost any dish!

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A versatile and tasty option, these strips of tofu are marinated in a sticky sauce that is both smoky and slightly sweet. Perfect for a veggie brunch, a breakfast sandwich, or as a creative topping on almost any dish!


  1. Slice the tofu into 5mm thick strips. In a bowl mix the tomato, soy sauce, maple syrup and smoked paprika into a smooth paste. Coat the tofu in the marinade.

  2. In a pan, heat the oil over a medium-high heat. Add the tofu to the pan, spacing the slices evenly. Fry for around eight to ten minutes, turning occasionally, until they have crisped and browned.

  3. Take off the heat and remove any excess oil using kitchen roll. Serve as you please – as part of a cooked breakfast, in a sandwich, or chopped into small bits as a topping!