• Posted by Alicia K.
After the jump is my English Toffee recipe. My rule of thumb for candy-making and pie-baking is this: don’t look for shortcuts, be patient and enjoy the process.
After the jump is my English Toffee recipe. My rule of thumb for candy-making and pie-baking is this: don’t look for shortcuts, be patient and enjoy the process.
Prepare a cookie sheet by lining it with parchment paper. Make sure it’s a cookie sheet as opposed to a jelly roll pan–I call them all cookie sheets, but you need one with edges on all four sides. Also get your amounts of chocolate chips and almonds all ready and measured out. When it comes to candy-making, you want to have everything set up because time is of the essence once things get cooking! I hate those recipes where you’re halfway through and realized you should have chilled a bowl or soaked beans ahead of time.
In a medium-sized pot, heat sugar, butter and water to boiling, stirring constantly (get ready for a work-out!). Then reduce the heat to medium and cook for approximately 13 minutes, stirring constantly, or until your candy thermometer hits 300 degrees. It should be a nice golden brown color and a little thickened.
As soon as it hits 300 degrees, turn heat off and pour toffee onto cookie sheet. Spread with a spatula so that’s it’s about 1/4 inch thick. Sprinkle on the chocolate chips, wait a minute and then spread with spatula. Sprinkle with almonds and let stand at room temperature for one hour. Then, the fun part: break it into pieces!