Cut Out + Keep

Tiny Hat With The Magic Loop

Tiny Hats! • Posted by rainbowjo86

Making a tiny hat for halloween or christmas decorations? Why not try using the magic loop!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium 111555 2f2015 10 17 125850 6


Making a tiny hat for halloween or christmas decorations? Why not try using the magic loop!


  1. Small 111555 2f2015 10 17 130026 1

    Cast On 17* stitches *This pattern using the K2tog joining start so you only need 16 stitches if you plan to join in a different way

  2. Small 111555 2f2015 10 17 130035 2

    Split your stitches and join

  3. Small 111555 2f2015 10 17 130055 3

    Knit 4 rows K3, *K2tog, K3* to end Knit 2 rows *K2, K2tog, K3* to end K2 rows

  4. Small 111555 2f2015 10 17 130134 4

    *K2, K2tog, K2* to end Knit 2 rows *K2tog, K1, K2tog* Knit 1 row

  5. Small 111555 2f2015 10 17 130140 5

    *K1, K2tog* to end K1 row

  6. Small 111555 2f2015 10 17 130146 6

    Throughout the pattern you're decreasing the stitches and will come to 2 stitches remaining. Cut yarn and feed through the remaining 2 stitches and secure

  7. Small 111555 2f2015 10 17 130323 7

    You can pop your tiny hat on anything really including drinks bottles

  8. Small 111555 2f2015 10 17 130328 8

    Or your someone special!