Cut Out + Keep

Tiny Faerie Wings

cute lil' wings • Posted by Mommy's Little Maniac

I made these following Emilie Autumns instructions for making faerie wings. i had to improvise a bit. i didnt have stockings so i used this net like material. and all of it is held together with hot glue. they didnt turn out the way i wanted...but i plan on getting the material needed to make a full size set for me to wear (^^).

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium wings 1238638856


I made these following Emilie Autumns instructions for making faerie wings. i had to improvise a bit. i didnt have stockings so i used this net like material. and all of it is held together with hot glue. they didnt turn out the way i wanted...but i plan on getting the material needed to make a full size set for me to wear (^^).
