• Posted by Mark Montano
This is a great alternative to a flower arrangement and it lasts forever. Just a little dusting and you will have something unique and beautiful that no one else will have. (Photography by Auxy Espinoza)
This is a great alternative to a flower arrangement and it lasts forever. Just a little dusting and you will have something unique and beautiful that no one else will have. (Photography by Auxy Espinoza)
Draw out your feathers in different lengths and widths with the permanent marker. SUGGESTION: Make them anywhere from 5” to 15 inches long and 2”-3” wide.
With your tin shears carefully cut out the feathers.
Going up one side, start making your feather strands about 1/8 inch wide as shown. NOTICE: There will be a natural curve to the feather while you are cutting which gives it a great shape.