Cut Out + Keep


scottish chocolate and marshmallow tray cake - no bake! • Posted by Bobben

Recipe for Tiffin!

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
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Recipe for Tiffin!


  1. melt 4oz margarine, 2tbsp sugar and 1tbsp golden sugar in a pan before mixing in 3tbsp cocoa powder

  2. crush 6oz biscuits (digestives are good) either in a food processor or with a rolling pin in a bag

  3. add the chopped marshmallows, prunes and cherries (if using) to the biscuits and then pour on the melted mixture and stir well

  4. pour the mixture into a tray lined with clingfilm. using a flat spatula flatten the mix firmly into the tray

  5. melt 200g chocolate in a pan and then spread evenly on the top of the tiffin

  6. put in the fridge for 3 hours to solidify and then cut into squares. keep in fridge.