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Do you ever feel as if you are literally tied to your job?
Do you ever feel as if you are literally tied to your job? I know the feeling. In response, I have designed the Tied Down Brooch. Take that symbol of masculine authority, the tie, and cut it down to size. Turn the concept of male-as-boss upside down, and you'll end up with one sassy accessory that will make you the belle of the office ball.

Posted by Jennifer P. Published See Jennifer P.'s 5 projects » © 2025 Jennifer Perkins / F+W Media · Reproduced with permission.
  • How to sew a fabric flower brooches. Tie Down Brooch - Step 1
    Step 1

    <b>Choose Ties</b>
    Pick up 3 coordinating ties and lay them out together.

  • How to sew a fabric flower brooches. Tie Down Brooch - Step 2
    Step 2

    <b>Cut out rectangles</b>
    Cut up the backs of the ties to open up the fabric. Cut 9 rectangles out of the widest part of the ties. (Each rectangle should be twice as wide as it is tall so it makes a square when folded in step 3.)

  • How to sew a fabric flower brooches. Tie Down Brooch - Step 3
    Step 3

    <b>Sew Squares</b>
    With right sides together, fold each rectangle in half to make a square. Sew along one of the edges adjacent to the fold. Repeat for all 9 rectangles.

  • How to sew a fabric flower brooches. Tie Down Brooch - Step 4
    Step 4

    <b>Trim Triangles</b>
    Turn each sewn square right-side out, and trim along the open edge to form a triangle. Repeat for all 9 squares. Iron each triangle.

  • How to sew a fabric flower brooches. Tie Down Brooch - Step 5
    Step 5

    <b>Pin and sew triangles</b>
    Lay out all the triangles in a straight line in an order you like. Overlap the triangles slightly and pin them together. Sew along the straight edge of the overlapping triangles with a basting stitch set to a long stitch length, the longest one on your machine.

  • How to sew a fabric flower brooches. Tie Down Brooch - Step 6
    Step 6

    <b>Pull thread to create circle</b>
    Tug at the thread tails until the 9-triangle banner curls up on itself to create a circle. This can be slow going. Just be patient, pull a little on the thread, then push the wrinkled fabric, taking care not to break the thread.

  • How to sew a fabric flower brooches. Tie Down Brooch - Step 7
    Step 7

    <b>Secure Brooch Shape</b>
    Cut out a circle of cotton batting about 2 1/2" (7cm) in diameter. Manipulate the crinkled-up triangles into a 2-layer circle. Pin the 2-layer circle to the felt circle. Handstitch the double-layer circle of petals to the felt circle.

  • How to sew a fabric flower brooches. Tie Down Brooch - Step 8
    Step 8

    <b>Cut tie tails and sew on to brooch</b>
    Cut 2 tie tails to approximately 11" (28cm) and sew them to the back of the brooch, overlapping them slightly.

  • How to sew a fabric flower brooches. Tie Down Brooch - Step 9
    Step 9

    <b>Cover button for brooch center</b>
    Cut out a small square of tie fabric and put it right-side down into the plastic cup of the button-covering kit. Slide the button back into the plastic cup and then push down hard with the blue cup to secure the button cover.

  • How to sew a fabric flower brooches. Tie Down Brooch - Step 10
    Step 10

    <b>Adhere the button</b>
    Position the button on the center of the brooch, in the center of the 2-layers of petals. Glue button on with fabric glue.

  • How to sew a fabric flower brooches. Tie Down Brooch - Step 11
    Step 11

    <b>Cover brooch back with fabric circle</b>
    Cut out a circle of tie fabric to fit the back of the brooch and cover up the messy stitches. Iron on a circle of interfacing onto the back of the tie fabric. Sew in place with a needle and thread. Attach the pin back with fabric glue.

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Ezme · Wantage, England, GB · 25 projects
This is great!
I am making a skirt out of ties so this will be perfect for the left overs! Happy
JessayahX · Frankfurt, Hesse, DE · 26 projects
such a cute idea ^^

I definitely have to try this..Thank you for sharing ;)

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