• Posted by edie d.
I crafted up a posse of sweet eco-catchall bags for every occasion. This hobo sling bag is the perfect stylish take-along for everyday shopping, heading out to the beach, stashing my latest copy of Vanity Fair to read on the bus, you name it! The best part was that it's a pretty easy dye technique to pull off. Basically, it's a simple, accordion fold tie-dye but done on the diagonal to give it a fun new look. Kinda nifty, right?
I crafted up a posse of sweet eco-catchall bags for every occasion. This hobo sling bag is the perfect stylish take-along for everyday shopping, heading out to the beach, stashing my latest copy of Vanity Fair to read on the bus, you name it! The best part was that it's a pretty easy dye technique to pull off. Basically, it's a simple, accordion fold tie-dye but done on the diagonal to give it a fun new look. Kinda nifty, right?
1. Prewash bag and hang dry to remove any finishes that may interfere with dye absorption. Iron bag flat. 2. Cover table with plastic sheet or tablecloth. 3. Accordion pleat bag diagonally in 2” folds. Begin in middle of bag and work toward sides. Continue accordion pleating through handle. Iron edge of pleats for crisp lines.
4. Wrap rubber bands around pleated bag every 3”. (The tighter the bands are wrapped, the more white area there will be.)
5. Soak wrapped bag in warm water. Squeeze out excess water. Set aside.
1. Heat water in the microwave to be sure it is very hot, at least 140º F. 2. Wearing rubber gloves, measure and mix dye. Stir well. Choose one color for the bag or make all three! ½ cup Purple Liquid Dye with 2 cups hot water ½ cup Apple Green Liquid Dye with 2 cups hot water ½ cup Sunshine Orange Liquid Dye with 2 cups hot water 3. Place wet bag in shallow dish and pour dye over bag. Push down on bag with spoon or rubber gloves to be sure dye penetrates fabric. 4. Cover dish with plastic wrap. Line bottom of microwave with paper towels. 5. Place plastic-wrapped dish with bag in microwave and set on High for 2 minutes. Wear rubber gloves or use a pot holder to remove from microwave. Remove plastic wrap. Allow fabric and wrap to cool. 6. Remove rubber bands. Rinse bag under cool running water until water runs clear. Then wash with warm water and detergent; rinse and dry.