• Posted by Zombie Felties
Still full of innate and deadly style, the original pop zombie has lost none of his mojo. He’s gyrating wildly to a tune that only he can hear—nothing can stop him, and nobody sane would even try…
Still full of innate and deadly style, the original pop zombie has lost none of his mojo. He’s gyrating wildly to a tune that only he can hear—nothing can stop him, and nobody sane would even try…
Cut out all the felt pieces as marked, either photocopying or scanning the templates, or using tracing paper to make templates as described on page 4. Stick the eye sockets and eyeballs in place on one of the head pieces with craft glue, checking the photograph for the correct placement. Thread a beading needle with 1 strand of black floss and sew a red bead in the center of each eyeball to make the pupils.
Thread an embroidery needle with 2 strands of pale green floss and make Thrilla’s nose with 2 stitches on each side in an inverted “V” shape. Rethread the needle with 2 strands of black floss and make the mouth with 4 straight stitches in the shape of a rectangle.
Cut the necklace cord into 2 pieces and sewthem in place on the forehead in loose curves, following the shape in the photograph and leaving long ends at the edge of the face. Use an embroidery needle threaded with 1 strand of black floss to sew the cord down with small single stitches across its width. Thread a beading needle with 1 strand of pink floss and stitch the sequins on to make the “brain.” Start from the outer edge of the head and overlap them as you sew.
Align the face pieces together, sandwiching the hair between them and tucking the loose ends of necklace cord to the inside. Thread an embroidery needle with 1 strand of very pale green floss and sew the head together using a small overstitch, sewing through the hair as you go. Leave a gap open at the base, pad the head lightly with wisps of stuffing using a matchstick or tweezers to help you, then sew the gap closed.
Use craft glue to stick Thrilla’s right arm in place on one of the body pieces. Stick the jacket in position on top of it (check with a photograph of the finished piece for placement), then add the red scarf. Thread an embroidery needle with 1 strand of black floss and make a line in running stitch around the scarf’s border.
Thread an embroidery needle with 1 strand of the very pale green floss and stitch the left arm to the front of the body. Rethread the needle with 1 strand of red floss, align the 2 body pieces, and sew them together with a small overstitch. Leave a gap open at the neck, and pad with wisps of stuffing, as with the head.
Stitch the top of the body closed through all the felt layers.
Use 1 strand of red floss to stitch the body to the back of the head, following the photograph of Thrilla to get the angle right.