Cut Out + Keep

Thrift Store Suitcase Makeover

Creating a beautiful life, one craft at a time. • Posted by Holly L.

Don't pass up another thrift store suitcase. I grabbed mine for $1 at the Good Will and turned it into something fantastic!

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Project Budget


4 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 2019 01 17 125113 6


Don't pass up another thrift store suitcase. I grabbed mine for $1 at the Good Will and turned it into something fantastic!


  1. Small 2019 01 17 124327 1

    This was the suitcase I found. It was ugly, but I knew it had potential.

  2. Small 2019 01 17 124401 2

    I wiped off all the dust and spray painted it. Add as many coats as you want, but make sure to let the paint dry in between.

  3. Small 2019 01 17 124524 3

    I used Mod Podge and decoupage paper to decorate the straps.

  4. Small 2019 01 17 124624 4

    Add another layer of Mod Podge over the decoupage paper and let dry.

  5. Small 2019 01 17 124704 5

    While the Mod Podge was drying, I used felt and random supplies to make my own "stickers" for the suitcase.

  6. Small 2019 01 17 124824 8

    When my stickers were done, I used my hot glue gun to attach them to the suitcase.

  7. Small 2019 01 17 124907 7

    I love this thing... What do you guys think?