• Posted by Operation Overhaul
Materials: Chain of your choice (to fit your wrist comfortably) Embroidery Thread
1. Tie a knot in the center of your first chain.
2. Bring thread through the first chain from below and then through the loop. Repeat this step until you meet the next chain.
Your first knot is done!
3. First chain almost done…
4. When you meet the next chain, loop through from under and through the loop as usual. Repeat steps 2-4 till the last chain and tie a dead knot.
5. Now you’ll have a half-wrapped bracelet. You could choose to leave it like this or finish wrapping the whole bracelet.
6. For me, I decided to add another pop of colour to my bracelet. Repeat steps 1-4 with your new colour!
7. When you are done, your bracelet should look like this.
8. Tie a dead knot and snip off the excess thread.
9. Prepare two 20cm long strands of each colour.
10. With your 2 strands of thread, loop it through the last chain and tie a knot.
11. Repeat step 10 with the other end of your bracelet and you’re done!
Wear it out!