Cut Out + Keep

Thread Rack

Don't spend money make your own. • Posted by Christi W.

I have had a bunch of thread laying around and I needed a way to organize it. The thread racks they sell in crafts stores was like ten dollars and I don't have money like that to buy one so I decided to make one. I had all the supplies except for the skewers and I only spent fifty cents on the skewers so the total cost of the project is fifty cents.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


3 h 00


Nice & Simple
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I have had a bunch of thread laying around and I needed a way to organize it. The thread racks they sell in crafts stores was like ten dollars and I don't have money like that to buy one so I decided to make one. I had all the supplies except for the skewers and I only spent fifty cents on the skewers so the total cost of the project is fifty cents.


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    Paint piece of wood and skewers

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    Once the paint is dry cut the skewers. I cut them at three inches. You can have them as short or long as you want.

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    Mark on the wood where you want the skewers to go.

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    After you figured out where the skewers are going drill a hole there.

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    Once you finished all the holes take the skewers and dip one end in glue and stick it in one of the holes. Repeat with the rest of them.

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    After the glue is dried, take some more paint and touch it up.

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    (Optional)-Decorate it with ribbons, buttons, beads, or what ever you have. I used lace ribbon.

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    And now you are finished and have an awesome thread rack.