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The Unruled Tank Dress

Super easy tank dress to make • Posted by MazKwok

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Reasonably Priced


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 1 dsc05230



  1. Small 1 fullscreen capture 9252013 60719 pm

    Materials: Cloth ( any type and color you like ) Scissors Sewing needle Sewing thread Sewing machine Measuring tape & ruler Tailor's chalk This pattern was drafted as a nightgown but I like how it turned out xD

  2. Small 1 dsc05241

    Sewing order: sew the body line(s), neck lines, attach 2 straps on, fasten off the front neck line with a little band then sew the hemlines.

  3. Small 1 dsc05233

    Mix it with a big elastic belt and and leggings ( or yoga pants )