Cut Out + Keep

The Tangerine Dream Dress

Drab to fab in less than an hour! • Posted by Confessions of a Refashionista

Check out how I transformed that lovely 1950′s lace number from frumpy to fantabulous!

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0 h 45


Nice & Simple
Medium 0 Medium 2


Check out how I transformed that lovely 1950′s lace number from frumpy to fantabulous!


  1. Small 1

    Totally not feeling the ill-fitting, scratchy-lined before of the dress, so…

  2. Small dscf9076

    I carefully removed the itchy lining (it looks deceivingly satiny soft in the photo but felt like a pot-scourer against my skin, yuck!), the broken zipper and an extremely old dry cleaning tag

  3. Small dscf9078

    grabbed another fab vintage dress that fits me well, placed it on top & used it as a guide to pin in the sides of the lace dress

  4. Small dscf9080

    stitched along the pins to take in the width of the dress

  5. Small dscf9081

    sliced off the excess fabric & chopped the length

  6. Small dscf9082

    created some sleeves from that chopped length & hemmed the bottom

  7. Small 2

    and my smashing tangerine dress is now fit for flaunting!