• Posted by MagicalGirlMaya
So the roommate decided that tonight was the night that we all needed to sit down and watch Scott Pilgrim Vs The World (both Alex and Stobaugh’s favorite movie of all time) as a family. This came out super delicious, I could seriously drink like 30 of these they’re dangerously good. You also can’t really tell that there’s any alcohol in it, which is exactly what makes it so dangerous. I think this came out pretty true to something that Ramona Flowers would down right before a totally epic battle.
So the roommate decided that tonight was the night that we all needed to sit down and watch Scott Pilgrim Vs The World (both Alex and Stobaugh’s favorite movie of all time) as a family. This came out super delicious, I could seriously drink like 30 of these they’re dangerously good. You also can’t really tell that there’s any alcohol in it, which is exactly what makes it so dangerous. I think this came out pretty true to something that Ramona Flowers would down right before a totally epic battle.
To get the initial blue drink all you do is pour all of your ingredients into a mixer and shake well over ice, sans the pineapple juice.
To get the green drink you just have to pour in your desired amount of pineapple juice, which changes the color. I like pineapple juice a lot so I added a lot.