Cut Out + Keep

The Mystery Machine

So I kinda panted my van like The Mystery Machine • Posted by Dana B.

I just recently got my dream home, a 1996 Chevy ABS work van and got the idea to paint it as the Mystery Machine for Halloween!.. but I only got the idea like 2 days before Halloween and the weather did not want to work with me, it dropped down to 48 degrees and started hailing so I had to pull it into a self car wash and try to finish it there, well worth it tho :P

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Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


6 h 00


Medium 988503 10200583983216773 498549175 n Medium pa312198


I just recently got my dream home, a 1996 Chevy ABS work van and got the idea to paint it as the Mystery Machine for Halloween!.. but I only got the idea like 2 days before Halloween and the weather did not want to work with me, it dropped down to 48 degrees and started hailing so I had to pull it into a self car wash and try to finish it there, well worth it tho :P
