Cut Out + Keep

The Most Efficient Fruitfly Trap Ever!

pretty fly for a white guy • Posted by aaangi

fruitflies and i hate each other. i came up with this clever way to capture them. and if you're anything like my mother, you can release them easily too.

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Almost Nothing


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Nice & Simple
Medium 307940 10150310153227633 506707632 8357203 1942484017 n 1316739447


fruitflies and i hate each other. i came up with this clever way to capture them. and if you're anything like my mother, you can release them easily too.


  1. gather your supplies: clean jar and its matching lid 1 jar of blueberry baby food spoon hammer and nail

  2. take a small spoonful of blueberry baby food and put it in the bottom of your clean jar and close the lid.

  3. take your nail and hammer and poke a single fruitfly-sized hole into the lid.

  4. leave the trap somewhere discreet in your kitchen or wherever your fruitlies like to hang out. check back in a day or so to see what you've caught. clean the jar out every second day and repeat. :)