Cut Out + Keep

The Meyer Lemon

A delicious summer drink to celebrate the ending of the season. • Posted by MagicalGirlMaya

With the end of summer imminently upon us I’ve taken it in upon myself to make as many summer-y drinks as possible. I’m trying to get it all out of my system before it’s too late and I have to spend three months pretending I care about pumpkin spice everything. It’s about to be many a barren month without fresh seasonal fruit or socially acceptable tiny umbrellas. Might as well make the most of it while I still can.

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Pretty Easy
Medium 111197 2f2015 09 22 204950 img 7498


With the end of summer imminently upon us I’ve taken it in upon myself to make as many summer-y drinks as possible. I’m trying to get it all out of my system before it’s too late and I have to spend three months pretending I care about pumpkin spice everything. It’s about to be many a barren month without fresh seasonal fruit or socially acceptable tiny umbrellas. Might as well make the most of it while I still can.


  1. Small 111197 2f2015 09 22 204945 img 7498

    Add your ingredients to the shaker, juice half the lemon and dice the other half and add to shaker. Shake over ice and serve.