• Posted by Confessions of a Refashionista
As DIYs for guys are few & far between I’ve been mining the depths of my little Refashionista brain to come up with a masculine re-do (not involving t-shirts) that my dude would actually wear out n’ about without being bribed… Success! A Freaking Awesome new jacket that requires zero blackmail to be worn! Here’s how to create your own partner-pleasing-coat in about an hour…
As DIYs for guys are few & far between I’ve been mining the depths of my little Refashionista brain to come up with a masculine re-do (not involving t-shirts) that my dude would actually wear out n’ about without being bribed… Success! A Freaking Awesome new jacket that requires zero blackmail to be worn! Here’s how to create your own partner-pleasing-coat in about an hour…
Steal a casual Autumn blazer & an old sweater from your dude’s wardrobe *this blazer was an impulsive-man-purchase that once home was suddenly too short in the arms & a colour he didn’t like…instead of being returned the poor fellow sat in the closet, unworn with the tags still on for 3 years! A bath in forest green dye took care of the colour & now onto the how-to…
chop the sleeves off of the blazer
slice the arms off of the sweater
pop the sweater sleeves into the blazer arm holes right sides facing with underarm seams & raw edges lined up
stitch together
flip right side out & zig zag over the outside seams for extra strength
I wanted to give the jacket a wee bit more pizzazz so I grabbed a vintage necktie that coordinated well with the coat colours…
and added a groovy detail above each pocket flap
Fabulous…with just the right amount of funky!
Cool…Cozy…and best of all? The dude lurvs it! …and what about the rest of that sweater?
…after taking in the sides & adding some chopped sleeves of my own I now have one of winter’s “must haves”: a super comfy over-sized sweater!