The Magic Of The Movie Coin

Ever want to watch a movie,but can't decide which one?? Here's the answer to all your problems!!

Posted by poohbear p.


I hope everyone enjoys this tutorial :D I know I get lost whenever I pick a movie,this should help settle the odds xD


You Will Need (1 thing)

  • 1 Quarter

Steps (7 steps, 10 minutes)

  1. 1

    Fist,garb a coin. It doesn't need to be a quarter but I prefer to use one.

  2. 2

    Weapon of choice: sharpie.
    Choose any color,have fun with it!

  3. 3

    Write movie on one side(doesn't matter) and coin on the other.

  4. 4

    Pick 2 genres(horror,action,comedy etc.)
    Put the option of one genre on one side and one on the other.
    Ex: horror,heads comedy,tails
    Flip the coin. Whatever it lands on will be your genre.

  5. 5

    Pick the movies out of that genre,using horror as an example,and putting two movies of that genre against each other
    Ex: woman in black vs. last exorcism

  6. 6

    Deciding of which movie will go where I usually go alphabetical order
    Ex: last exorcism(heads) and woman in black(tails)
    Flip. What you land on will be put aside for the last round.
    Now,lets say you have 4 movies left. Continue the process of alphabetize and flipping of the coin.
    The last one will be the victor!!!!!
    Ex: saw1(heads) saw 4(tails)
    Flip,saw1 wins.(put aside)
    Last exorcism(heads) woman in black(tails)
    Flip,last exorcism.(pus aside)
    Last two movies,saw & last exorcism
    That is the movie you'll be watching.

  7. 7

    I hope this tutorial makes sense xD
    If you have any question don't be afraid to ask!!
    Have fun out there!!!! :D