Cut Out + Keep

The Joker Plushie

The joker O.O • Posted by Nomycookie^^

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Project Budget


1 h 00


Medium img 5648



  1. Small img 5615

    To start with you have to create a simple chibi like doll,you can make your own pattern or get one from the internet :)

  2. Small img 5630

    start to cut up your coloured felt to fit your doll and sew them on...even better glue them on like a did if you have one, but get cuz its super easy ^^

  3. Small img 5641

    once you've stuck on his trousers,tie and waist coat on create his jacket ><

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    Sew on his hair, for this i used embroidery thread. for the his face i used black eyeshadow

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    and i used red lipstick for his awesome mouth O_______o

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    after applying the makeup i put hot glue on it so it doesnt smudge later on :)

  7. Small img 5650

    Now ur finished...enjoy ur own home made plushiee-s <3 Enjoy