• Posted by kila022
Quick and easy! It's not supposed to be perfect, don't expect it to be! That's the beauty of it! Remember, crocheting with wire is a hard task all in itself! :) For those of you who do not know how to crochet check this tutorial out, it's the same as when opposed to using yarn---->
Quick and easy! It's not supposed to be perfect, don't expect it to be! That's the beauty of it! Remember, crocheting with wire is a hard task all in itself! :) For those of you who do not know how to crochet check this tutorial out, it's the same as when opposed to using yarn---->
#1 Do a slipknot, then on top of the slipknot put a cord clasp on a crimp it down w/ your pliers. *Crimp as you would w/ a crimp bead!
#2 Chain stitch 5. Add 3 (or as many as you'd like) beads onto to the wire. Lift them up as you crochet. You should have beads within the chain stitch.
#3 Continue this pattern described in #2 for as long as you'd like.If you need to you can twist the wire and crimp it flat so that cord clasp goes on easier!*Remember, take into consideration what size bracelet your need for your wrist.
#3 Chain stitch 6. On the 6th chain, put the cord clasp on top and crimp down.* If you need to you can twist the wire and crimp it flat so that cord clasp goes on easier!And...Voila! You are done!This is what it should look like <-----
And...this is how you can wear it! Me, personally I love layering so that's why I made it! It also looks OKAY alone, but it looks better w/ wrist friends. *As mentioned it's not supoosed to be a perfect bracelet!