Cut Out + Keep

The Deadliest Poison

vial of poison bottle charm pendant. • Posted by scalesandfishnails

a little glass bottle filled with clear gel tacky glue mixed with a drop of old black eyeliner. the label was designed by myself in photoshop, and the blue glass accessory was a beloved oldie from my jewellery box. strung on a length of gold wire to make a pendant.~

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0 h 30


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Medium 105618 2f2014 11 16 123842 tumblr nf4t7iszbt1slh8fuo1 500 Medium 105618 2f2014 11 16 123814 thedeadliestpoison.png


a little glass bottle filled with clear gel tacky glue mixed with a drop of old black eyeliner. the label was designed by myself in photoshop, and the blue glass accessory was a beloved oldie from my jewellery box. strung on a length of gold wire to make a pendant.~
