Cut Out + Keep

The Box Bag

A nice Travel bag • Posted by Nosnin

I used a project from Simply Sublime Bags by Jodi Kahn as a guideline for this bag. I put my own twist on it and I'm very happy with how it came out. The original project is called City Slicker, and it called for oilcloth. I don't have that just laying around so it motivated me to get creative with the materials.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


2 h 30


Medium bag1 Medium bag3 Medium bag5


I used a project from Simply Sublime Bags by Jodi Kahn as a guideline for this bag. I put my own twist on it and I'm very happy with how it came out. The original project is called City Slicker, and it called for oilcloth. I don't have that just laying around so it motivated me to get creative with the materials.
