Cut Out + Keep

Tetris Love Cross Stitch

Based on Tetris Love Cross Stitch by ΘCINNAMON GIRLΘ™ • Posted by Lisa

thanks so much for the idea! :D i drew the pattern with a dark pencil and put it in the shirt, so i could see through it, and i used a square eraser as a stamp. it was fun to do and it felt much more like.. i was doing something than when i use stencils :3

You will need


2 h 00


Medium 100 5520 1278493795 Medium 100 5523 1278493877


thanks so much for the idea! :D i drew the pattern with a dark pencil and put it in the shirt, so i could see through it, and i used a square eraser as a stamp. it was fun to do and it felt much more like.. i was doing something than when i use stencils :3
